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presidential bloodline

29 Warren G. Harding View Gore is running a bit behind Bush in the European royal count, his blood-line runs close to some American home-grown nobility, including Thomas Jefferson. THE TIES THAT BIND I called my Rothschild family friend and asked if there was a family connection. 25 William McKinley View The two candidates are 19th cousins. 17 Andrew Johnson View 2.1.1 From Charlemagne to William the Conqueror. Global Pandemics: John G. Lakes Testimony During The Bubonic Plague: God Will Do Great Exploits Amidst Global Pandemics: Its Your Time To Climb! George Washington in 1789, to Bill Clinton, has been won by the candidate with the most British and French royal genes. Actually, by branching out far enough on the presidential family tree, the dedicated researcher will find that all 44 presidents share kinship, belonging to the same general ancestry, often called the 13th Illuminati bloodline, the Merovingian line, and/or the Windsor-Bush bloodline. Discovering Where You Truly Belong: The Stages of Spiritual Maturation, Prophetic Encounter: Passover to Pentecost, Purim A Time Redemption: Defeating Your Haman, Arrested Development: Destroying the Python Spirit, Healing Traumatic Experiences (Spirit, Soul, Mind, & Body), Contending In The Heavens: Advanced Spiritual Warfare, The Regathering: The Lost Tribes of Israel: Gods Global Family (Module 10) FREE ONLINE COURSE, The Regathering: The Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade & The Black Hebrew Diaspora (Module 9) FREE ONLINE COURSE, The Regathering: The Lost Tribes of Israel: INTO AFRICA (Module 8) FREE ONLINE COURSE, The Regathering: The Lost Tribes of Israel: THE SILK ROAD (Module 7) FREE ONLINE COURSE, The Regathering: The Lost Tribes of Israel: THE PASHTUN (Module 6) FREE ONLINE COURSE, The Regathering: The Lost Tribes of Israel THE RETURN (Module 5) FREE ONLINE COURSE, The Regathering: The Lost Tribes of Israel: JEWISH OR HEBREW? Click here to login Commentdocument.getElementById("comment").setAttribute( "id", "a69d40c65c0c91ce4e54e52f3d297030" );document.getElementById("ad10372649").setAttribute( "id", "comment" ); Big Pharma under fire as CEO earned nearly $400 million in stock options & Got 50% Raise, Modern-Day Slave Traders 85,000 Lost Migrant Children [Video], Newly uncovered docs show Biden CIA Director meeting with Jeffrey Epstein, Federal Judge Enjoins Illinois Assault Weapon Ban Gun Rights Victory, Kansas Passes Law Defining Gender as a Persons Biological Sex at Birth, One Health The Global Takeover Of Everything, The Great American Opt-Out: A Matter Of Willingness, Willfulness And Will, A Woman By Any Other Name Is Still A Woman, What China Is Really Playing at in Ukraine, DNA Contamination Isnt There By Chance, CNN Host Shockingly Blasts Teachers Union Boss Over School Closure Lies, AOC declares after Fox axes Carlson, Deplatforming works, Colorado Gov Signs Four New Gun Control Measures Into Law, Hunter Biden hits Legal Setback in Ongoing Court Battle, Kamalas Affair Sleeping Her Way To The Top, Joe Bidens Close Advisers Worry About His Age, Diminished Energy, RFK Jr: Mega-Billionaires Are Using Enviro Change To Implement Totalitarian Control, Big Tech Given Orders By Ukrainian Intel: Censor Alleged Russian Disinformation. In both the 2000 and the 2004 Presidential elections, George W. Bush and both Al Gore and John Kerry are cousins. You determine whether true or false., Navigating Chaos & Political Unrest: Dont fall for the okey-doke. Indeed! If anyone still out there thinks elections are how presidents are put into office please do your research.. sealed. Aug 2000 Lent 2022: Skin to Skin: Lingering In The Presence of God: A 40-Day Soaking Challenge w/ Tiphani Montgomery! The study by Burkes senior genealogist, Roger Powell, and an American colleague, William Ward, found that Mr. Bush has more connections to British and European royalty than any President of the United States. 11-15-2000 (this post is from me to the group) Small world, isnt it? John Quincy Adams (descendant of Edward III of Engl Before d'Avignon, historians were only able to link the bloodlines of 22 presidents, according to KCOY. Gores family members werent exactly peasants. Be Quiet! 14 Franklin Pierce View A work of genealogical scholarship does exist: Ancestors of American Presidents,edited by Gary B. Roberts. They were involved in the Gunpowder Plot to blow up Parliament at the time of Guy Fawkes say researchers. The Bushes married for genetics, as the Eastern Establishment families in the States have always done in line with their fellow royal and aristocratic blood relatives in Europe. 3 Thomas Jefferson View The vice presidents family tree includes Charlemagne and three Holy Roman emperors. New Year 2021: Restoring The Fortunes of Zion! George Bush and Barbara Bush are from the same bloodline the Pierce bloodline, which changed its name from Percy, when they crossed the Atlantic. By STEVE LOHR, Special to the New York Times This article was posted by TLB Staff God warned Israel of that when they begged for a king (1 Samuel Chapter 8). Download a free copy of The Atlantean Conspiracy: When it comes to picking the winner in the American presidential race, Britains leading chroniclers of royal ancestors say theyve never been wrong not once in almost 200 years. They all have the trait of wanting power, dAvignon told the station WFMY. According to Burkes Peerage, all 44 U. S. Presidents have carried European royal bloodlines into office- thereby all 44 being related. If you go back eight generations, they have a common ancestor.. Things can change, of course, but (Module 4) FREE ONLINE COURSE, The Regathering: The Lost Tribes of Israel From KINGDOM To EXILE (Module 3) FREE ONLINE COURSE, The Regathering: The Lost Tribes of Israel The History of Semitic People (Module 2) FREE ONLINE COURSE. There is nothing new under the sun or should I say there is nothing new under the SON. Does that make you mad? He told Meyer Amschel that the family from which he descended would produce the Messiah in the last half of the twentieth century. We did as she asked. Bob Jones Prophesied Specifically About Global Pandemics: The Church: Watered Down Preaching Has Now Power In A Crisis! Gaunt, who was the 1st Duke of Lancaster, was the son of King Edward III. 10 John Tyler View This is why he was the Brotherhoods choice.. 11 James Knox Polk View In fact, in this century, only Theodore Roosevelt, Class of 1888, William H. Taft, Calvin Coolidge, Herbert Hoover, Franklin D. Roosevelt 04 and Bush were of royal ancestry and elected to the presidency. Trump can not save us! Are you awake to the MATRIX? Prior to dAvignons discovery, genealogists were only able to link 22 families of presidents, likely because they only focused on male bloodlines. This information comes from the publication, Burkes Peerage, which traces the lineage of royal and aristocratic families. Shortly afterward, we came across an AP story that linked Clinton to a Gypsy kingciting Burkes Peerage as a source. This is an old method of world dominance called the Hegelian Dialectic, aka order out of chaos. It should be pointed out that Woodrow Wilson best both TR and Taft in 1912, and Jimmy Carter beat Gerald R. Ford in 1976, despite the fact that Wilson and Carter had no known royal ancestry, although their opponents did. Never in the history of the United States have two presidential candidates been as well endowed with royal alliances. However the royal researchers are hedging their bets saying their dig through the documents continues. __________________________________________________ Passover 2020: God Will Purify The Sons on Levi! to online subscribers. Although Bush maintains a clear royal advantage, Burkes Peerage claims to know why the race is so close. Prophetic Words 2022: Starting The New Year Off Right, Prophetic Word 2022: Coming Out of the Wilderness, New Year 2022: The Year of the Bride Preparing For The Bridegroom, Alone But Not Lonely: God May Have Set You Apart For An Incredible Reason. constituents. The 1988 Democratic nominee and son of Greek immigrants had no connections to any European thrones, and he lost in a landslide. But the middle-school student says she's only received a standardized response from the White House so far. What do Barack Obama, Thomas Jefferson, George W. Bush and the other past U.S. presidents have in common? New Year 2021: Moving From Anxiety To Awe CLICK HERE! Going back nearly 1000 years, Brooks-Baker points out both the Bush and Pierce families [Barbara Bushs maiden name is Pierce] were high society. Regardless, the fact stays the same. When mentioning the names of former US presidents who are listed on the Kane Ancestral Map as being of Milesian descent, I neglected to mention that the name Ford also appears. Relationship to: King John of England. New England Patriots: BROCK BOWERS, TE, GEORGIA Can you guess the answer? So now that we are stuck with this corrupt political system, we humbly ask God for His MERCY and DIVINE INTERVENTION until HE COMES! WebThe only President without a proven link to King John is Martin van Buren, whose parents were Dutch. Through de Montford, Clinton is related to every ancient aristocratic family in Britain today.. Burkes Peerage hasnt guessed wrong for almost two centuries! D'Avignon, a seventh grader at Monte Vista Christian School in Santa Cruz, Calif., first began the massive project with the aim of tracing her own ancestry. His son by his first wife was King Henry IV. The Upper Room Lifestyle: Receive Gods Fresh Fire For This New Apostolic Era: Parasha With Passion: Weekly Torah Inspirations. 28 Woodrow Wilson View Martial Law Is Coming to America, Parable of the Ten Virgins: Cultivating Intimacy With The Bridegroom (The End-Times), Sukkot 2022: A Prophetic Look at the Feast of Tabernacles. His kinship to Ford makes him near kin to Richard Nixon and George Bush.. NOTE: I would like to comment upon those who try to say that these are distant relationships. Issachar Women Arise: Discern Your Times & Seasons! 41 George H. W. Bush View He would see Bill at family get-togethers wearing a Jewish skullcap. __________________________________________________ Thats when we read the article to the person on the phone, naming Harold Brooks-Baker as a source. DECEPTION: The Trump Prophecies: Its A Trap! He is descended from King Robert I of France. Web1.2.4 From William the Rich to Johan Willem Friso. New Year 2020: New Mantles! In 1992, we called Burkes Peerage and asked if they had done any research into Clintons lineage. -Secret Societies: Who Really Runs The World? New Year 2020: 40-Day Prophetic Bootcamp 2020 A New Year A New Era New Glory! . And the antiquity of the Cheney line explains why they pulled Dick out of retirement to help Dubya run things. King John, also known as John Lackland, is renowned for signing the Magna Carta in 1215, which limited the monarchs power and helped form the British Parliament. Of course they are, because we are talking about the 17th century here. It took an estimated 500,000 documents and many months of arduous work, but BridgeAnne had finally solved a historical mystery. Those connections are harder to trace.. 21 Chester A. Arthur View King Canute ruled from 1016 to 1035; and King Henry III (Emperor of the Holy Roman Empire), who ruled from 1046 to 1056. You cant just write off 200 years of accurate predictions, says Brooks-Baker pointing out Mike Dukakis learned about the royal factor the hard way. Besides holding the coveted title of commander-in-chief, it appears that all of them but one are cousins. 36 of the first 42 Presidential families can be traced back to royalty from England, Scotland, or Wales. The 6-foot-3, 198-pound Indianapolis native earned first-team All-Big 12 honors in 2022 on the strength of four interceptions and 45 tackles, including 3.5 for loss. And with the amount of energy these people spend hiding these facts from the general public there is a great likelihood that she hasnt heard of any of this before because of this program of concealment. The 2024 NFL draft class could quickly transform losers into winners. His name was Chester Arthur, 21st President of the USA. The budding genealogist also discovered that she can count President Obama as a relative. WebThe most royal candidate theory of Harold Brooks-Baker proposed that the winning candidate in United States presidential elections had always been the candidate with Reformation: Destroying Ministry Idolatry, Control, Intimidation, & Witchcraft In The Church, A Prophetic Word: Time To Prepare Your Contingency Plan, Defeating Demonic Setbacks: 3-Days Fasting & Prayer July 17th-19th 2020, The Favor of God: A Prophetic Soaking Experience, The Love of God: A Prophetic Soaking Experience, Learning To Linger: Rediscovering The Beauty of Stillness, The Betrothal: The Priestly Bride by Anna Roundtree (Audiobook), Practicing The Presence of God: Rediscovering The Beauty of Stillness, Encounter At Moravian Falls: The Prayer Meeting That Lasted 100 Years, Spiritual Endurance: Gods Redemptive Love During Hard Times, BIBLICAL ASTRONOMY: Solar Eclipse Ring of Fire June 21st 2020, Prophetic Word: This Is A Time-Sensitive Moment, Paid To Protest: Anarchy, Civil Unrest, Martial Law & The New World Order, The History of Lynching In America: Confronting A 100 Years of Racial Terror 1920-2020. Do you have such great chance to be even far cousin with Bush, Nixon, Kerry, Clinton ? The Regathering: The Lost Tribes of Israel FREE ONLINE COURSE! Dear Jack, Clintons ancestry can be traced back, on his mothers side, to King Henry III who ruled England from 1227 to 1272. New Year 2021: Navigating Chaos & Political Unrest CLICK HERE. 1.4K views 8 years ago. Every presidential election in America, since and including George Washington in 1789 to Bill Clinton, has been won by the candidate with the most British and French royal genes. There is a President who has Irish connections. subscribe now! Now we can see how and why. WebSo far, I've included all 46 Amercan presidential lineages here, but you will quickly observe how all eventually merge to one or more common ancestors, usually around King Edward III of England (born 1312) or a few generations earlier at Raymond Berenger V de Provence, Henry I or Henry II of England.

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