Im not saying this happened to you, but it is an example of how Pisces-Virgo works. Thank you in advance! That is a great compliment to read and I appreciate you taking the time and trouble to put it in writing. I have my nodes in Pisces-Virgo. I am trying to figure out how to stay safe and connected. Best, Virgo rules health and wellbeing in astrology, as you probably know. I now read Dr Eric F Ding and his post on NHS induced COVID infections ( youve no doubt read this) is so shocking HOSPITAL-ACQUIRED INFECTIONSNew UK study uncovers enormous numbers of hospital-acquired #COVID infectionsvia patient-to-patient & patient-to-HCWs transmission! I bought one large one and one spare for any future takers in my family. The good news is, we have been here before and know what to do. Thank you for all you do. The Age of Aquarius also brings a significant change in values, and how individuals treat each other. Im glad you are recovered. You want a new career and you want a better marriage, despite what or who gets in the way. Just for yourself, just now, treat Covid the way you treat AIDS and cigarettes. Its a theory. In her 2021 forecast, she. Is the evil in virus? I have people here who are depressed it is good to be able to recommend walking to them having seen one research paper after another that shows good results. Does your Pluto placement also refer to where the most important transformation in your life will happen? Activism in the childrens school is free. None of us, even being exposed to COVID, have been infected. It wants everyone to think they can solve their problems by running away. Thank you, Jessica, very grateful for your shared insights. This is all going down in the sign of Gemini, so mutable signs Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, and Pisces will experience the most chaos this retrograde, while air signs Libra and Aquarius will have a much smoother experience. And thank. Hello Jessica, Have a look at Google Scholar and HEPA to reassure yourself with all the university research the latest from 2022 as well as the 2020 early Covid findings. Thanks so much for all your blogs, inspiration and advice take care ! How will that affect me? We either do this together or not at all. Ive been in the health field for over twenty years as a therapist, and have studied viruses and bacteria since the 1990s. Like millions of others my age I have a stellum in Virgo which is concerning. Pluto 29 Virgo The world is going through a crucial transitional period and 2020 marked the final year of the Age of Pisces and 2021 as the first year of the Age of Aquarius. That's because it started when Saturn entered Aquarius and will probably end when Saturn leaves the sign. Jessica, It also explains the significance of Jupiter in Pisces and Aries, Saturn in Aquarius, Uranus in Taurus, Neptune in Pisces, and Pluto in Capricorn and includes a full and new Moon calendar. Inside the Sixth House is a private healing room and surgery. The last few years have been daunting. You have an interesting take on astrology and I appreciate you sharing all that information on Covid (especially the practical advise). None of it was easy. This will help me too, as I am moving from Canberra to be with her in March , as least that was the plan !! Look at what Google Scholar tells you too. Why is it as humans we dont just do what works? Learn how your state of mind and particularly your subconscious mind, affect your physical state. Its exactly like cigarette smoking and AIDS about 30 years ago. Yes, in certain parts of the world. OMG Jessica, this seems a very scary time we are going to go through next March 2023. Jessica, thankyou for the immeasurable insight you are gifted with. Thanks again for all that you do and sending you and your team positive energy from across the globe. Your IC in Virgo suggests a relative or ancestor was a nurse, doctor, surgeon or healer or a long-term invalid who relied on the same. Just make strong choices. Ive been researching the effects of inflammation again lately, how to calm it Inside the house you find Saturn with his scythe, in a room heavily barricaded and weighed down with obstacles. Thank you for this, Jessica. The good news is, safe Ultraviolet light eliminates Covid. It may be a wave hitting several countries, with a new mutation/strain that is highly contagious and deadly. :/. Im longing to find a buddy or buddies to enjoy these activities with and I can also be so selective. On each visit, we go to the mineral spa pumps and fill up the bottles to bring home. As for Donald Trump, follow the money. Thank you for the timely warning. Hope you see my comment. MOSCOW, April 7, 2021 /PRNewswire/ --The virus that hit us hard is here until at least the Fall or even the end of year, according to Russian astrologer Tatiana Borsch., Throughout the pandemic, research into effective ways to limit aerosol transmission has also bolstered support for HEPA and UV air filters, and humidity control in indoor spaces. I agree with you, nature is magical. This is classic Virgo territory. I just have to share this with you , and I just want to say how grateful and blessed I feel , that you share all this amazing information with us . The Tarot can tell you more about the incarnation and if he was in fact wedded to you last time. This is something the pharmaceutical companies that have made billions on COVID would not like and therefore campaign against it. This may be a new variant. March 2024 is the first time Saturn goes to 11 Pisces. Nature is a trusted source and this is good hands-on advice for UVC light and Covid. Beginning March 2023. If you are in the UK then you need to talk to Philips about what I just bought (three times) in Australia. Some people are already receiving a fifth. And thats what Covid does. Follow the money with Covid and see where it takes you. On the surface, you do the job. This number looked oddly familiar and I went back to my family calendar. The US is so laid back now, I wonder how they will respond. We never got sick until we moved up to the DC area. An example of the clash you refer to between Pisces and religion and Virgo and health. Jessica, thank you so much for all you do. I think I should just stay home as much as possible this spring. Viruses also make up 50% of our genome, and without viruses, wed have very little, if any, nutrients in our plants and foods. The whole situation with home is a life issue. I have to confess that I dont know if I have virgo in my natal chart, but I have registered as a Premium Member on your site and Im looking forward to know more about Astrology and your work. You mention the UVC light again and Im going to have to find a good affordable unit! You will make more lifestyle changes when Saturn is in opposition to your Virgo stellium, starting next year. I would imagine it would also help those who might suffer from SAAD. I am uncertain if I should have the Pfizer winter booster, I have a Virgo stellium and have had 3 vaccinations to date. There is no need to be frightened. Ceres actually rules cereals (thus the name) and wheat/corn are her crops. Hi, Jessica, its so important that you posted the information in this blog. It was also incredibly stressful with extremely rude and self absorbed people passing through onto their next holiday when we re opened. Despite my best efforts, I got Covid early in 2022. My older sister pretends she doesnt have any responsibility towards our mum. Thank you, Jessica. The world will start to recover. We only have this 2023-2026 period to get through (hard work) and then we can relax more. According to Marrs research, these lessons can apply to the flu, too.. Best, Explaining in detail, Srivastava said that Jupiter was in Capricorn last year where it was debilitated, and when it entered Aquarius on April 6, 2021, it created a lot of breathing issues and oxygen shortage. This submerged part of yourself is as complex, important and full as your conscious life. Youre on a world tour with your wife. The administration, CDC, local governments, all contribute to spreading that sentiment. I also run air purifiers in the house, one of them in our living area has a UV light in it. Dont go into risky spaces without an N95 mask. NYC was ground zero as everyone knows. The challenge for people with a Virgo stellium, which you have, in your Sixth House of health is to draw deeply on your Virgo qualities. Thank you for becoming a Premium Member. A lot of what we were told in 2020 is now obsolete. Mary Poppins was a super Virgo. Though we may have to maintain caution till mid-2022 to be totally free from the pandemic in 2023. Hi Jessica, Here are key facts about China's population and its projected changes in the coming decades, based on data from the UN and other sources: Although China will lose its title as the world's most populous country, the UN still estimates its population at 1.426 billion people in 2022. She also sees more people valuing reliable information, so subscription news sites could grow. They repeated the test with influenza. Because Ive been paying a physical therapist for my mother which has been hugely expensive but resulted in an amazing outcome shes back on her feet!! Not sure you can comment on this, Jessica, but of course its something many have speculated all along. "I've been getting a lot of questions about the astrology behind coronavirus, and this is what I have so far: On Jan. 12, Saturn and Pluto connected for the first time since 1982," she wrote on . So your home routine will change. Can you see anything in my chart re my trip? The most important trends for Cancer in 2023 show up in your solar and natal chart at the same time. I have several UV filters all over the house. So actually, the bridge to cross with your wellbeing is right at the end of the cycle, as you go from 2025 to 2026. I adore the focus your astrology brings into our lives. I am often the one to speak out as I know that my HEPA has changed my own life and find it hard to communicate in a way to help others understand and get frustrated and defeated when met with such resistance. I have never heard them mentioned in the news , or doctors or anywhere else . So how do we handle the new cycle of Saturn in Pisces, starting March 2023? In the 1990s, doctors and scientists completed one of the most important studies in human history. Begin keeping a lunar diary and track the Virgo transits so you can see for yourself who or what is there. It may even be delaying my promotion, but I have no way to prove it. Saturn in Pisces They had to be firm about unsafe sex. Thank you for your continuous insights. You have Aesculapia and Juno in Virgo in your Sixth House, Joo. This more than anything else will be the big mountain to climb, starting March 2023 for you, going into 2026. The scientists, epidemiologists and doctors all agree Rona travels. We are on track for a historic transformation in the way governments and big business operates, set for January 2020. You can see the computer screen on the travellers clothes. I just got Covid 2 weeks ago, I feel recovered though a little tired. you would not take Covid risks now. Always follow the money. Sorry this got so long!! Just trying to hang out on this planet and learn my lessons. Her English hospital tested her for Covid and nothing showed up. Youll be amazed at how many separations, divorces but also engagements and marriages show up for Cancer people in 2023, 2024. They claim it achieves 95% air disinfection in 80m3 in one hour. The last time we saw this cycle was about 30 years ago. Others have been here before you; it is quite common for readers to tell me that a) they have a Virgo stellium and b) they are being lumbered with sole responsibility for caring for an aged parent while siblings go gallivanting off. Im sure you know about Adrienne and her yoga on YouTube as well. Until then, use Twitter experts on Covid to update, inform and protect yourself. Our planet is live and constantly adjusts to maintain its own life. Thank you. So please report back. I have several Virgo factors. There will be another round of escalation in the world," said Borsch. My radar went on when I realised how much my English friend was struggling just to find information about a UV-HEPA unit online. Any of your thoughts would be of help to me, thank you. Thus, the 21 day lockdown is numerologically significant. Two of my friends died from it. This will become easier for you when Jupiter goes into Taurus May 2023 to May 2024 and trines your Virgo and Capricorn factors, while forming a conjunction with your Taurus stellium in the Second House. They will be there in 2023. Woke up this week with a virus first time in many years!! Scorpio-Aries is associated with the pushy Wall Street trader who wears her expensive designer wardrobe with trainers. You mentioned the longstanding link between pandemics and religion in response to someone else above and this thought just came to me. From November 21, 2021, it will again enter Aquarius when we can expect another onslaught of health issues and challenging times. Apollo 13 Virgo. Its not so much because of global warming, its because weve killed the majority of our topsoil via over-tilling, wrong farming practices, pesticides, wars (bombs and chemicals), GMOs, chemical runoffs, pollutions, and the list is endless. It can also be academic barriers, because Sagittarius rules academics and Gemini rules readers and writers students too. This Pluto-Chiron opposition suggests that your need to control work, unpaid work and housework (Pluto in Virgo) is at odds with your unconscious (Pisces) need to experiment with life. I was shocked that air travel was not completely shut down in spring and summer 2020. Your Local Epidemiologist (YLE) is written by Dr. Katelyn Jetelina, MPH PhD. For me, UV-C seems like vapor cleaning, with great promises of 100% desinfection, but must be made in lab conditions that we wont ever meet in our houses. So gather all your records together and put them in a safe place. I agree that the best hands to put your health in, are your own. I am cautious to do so given your forecast for covid in 2023. That is quite rare in astrology. Covid cases are up at least 50% because of a new variant. "These will be the real Indigo children that are clever, spiritually developed and talented," she said.
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