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american experience the abolitionists worksheet

Men and women, black and white, Northerners and Southerners, poor and wealthy, these passionate anti-slavery activists fought body and soul in the most important civil rights crusade in American history. Denver Public Library, Western History Collection Carol Berkin, Historian:Angelina thinks he walks on water. Manisha Sinha, Historian:The Civil War moved Garrison farther and farther away from that abstract devotion to peace principles and pacifism that he had held through the years. Douglass had spent much of his youth as a house slave in Baltimore. Frederick Douglass (Richard Brooks):Captain Brown -- I would never have known you, sir! His own life was at risk now. Lena Drobot, Craft Services Assistants Maxine Bentley Pro-slavery forces really have the upper hand. William Lloyd Garrison. Karla Brown John Stauffer, Historian:TheDred Scottdecision had the potential to legalize slavery everywhere in the United States. Frederick Douglass (Richard Brooks):I did. Narrator:For eight months, Garrison toiled away in almost complete obscurity. Garrison, like everybody, like Douglass, like all the people that have been in tremendous conflict with each other before the war, are in a sense reunited in the war for the Union. William Lloyd Garrison (Neal Huff):Dear Lord. Dorothea Swiac In Charleston, copies were publicly burned, and the mayor warned her mother that if Angelina ever dared visit Charleston again she would be thrown in jail. Danielle Sload, Supporting Cast Douglass wrote about, world, and his work and influence helped directly in, - All 3 Episodes - Worksheets and Keys PDF & Digital Bundle, These Video Response Worksheets and Keys are based on, . Mrs. Grimk (Crystal Cupp):Angelina, what are you talking about? In December of 1862, only weeks before the promised date, Lincoln presented Congress with a dramatic peace plan: if the Southern states would lay down their arms, they could keep their slaves for another 40 years. There are 13 LESSONS and a total of 29 FILES in, Immigrants & Reformers Unit: Lessons, Readings, Breakouts & Tests /Middle School, History is a complete social studies curriculum designed for middle school students of Early, History & Social Studies. Let the Christian women of the South arise, and salvation is certain. Douglass would write a lament for the movement they had led, for their youth, for the generation that was passing from the scene. Woody Chapman In Charleston, 3,000 people destroyed anti-slavery materials, and then burned Garrison in effigy. The Virginia Film Office Only a few can now tell from actual experience something of the darkness and peril that brooded over the land when the anti-slavery movement was born. David W. Blight, Historian:Slaves were the single largest financial asset in the entire American economy, worth more than all manufacturing, all railroad, steamship lines, and other transportation systems, put together. We sit here, all of us, debating this point of law, whether the Constitution says this or that, and in the meantime, day after day, year after year, the slaveholders are free to do their worst. Joan D. Hedrick, Historian:She was really fueled by the grief for her baby, but I suspect, too, perhaps, anger at a Calvinist God. William Shenk John Stauffer, Historian:Abolitionists never waver in their faith or their hope that any day, any moment, slavery can end. They're going to be butchered, because that's Old Testament retribution. (c) 2013 You can't be serious. Like many Northerners, Stowe was deeply disturbed by the Fugitive Slave Law. A key is included to check for accuracy and to provide to Special Education students for differentia, This four-page, twenty-five question, download is intended to support Part One of, . Printing Press Footage Shot by Paul Searle at Type A Press John Stauffer "You will receive a PDF file which contains a Video Response Worksheet and Key and a TPT Digital Activity for students (worksheet only).Video Response Worksheets will turn your history lesson into a rich educational. But Grimk had no intention of returning to the South. Season 1 Episode 1Year: 2013 Subjects: Social Studies - History, U.S. History, World History Grades: Not Grade Specific Types: Activities, Homework $2.00 Word Document File Narrator:On January 1st, 1831, Garrison's long-awaited day arrived. The abolition movement sought to end the practice of slavery in the United States. "As it was, all hands in the house united in making him up a bed." R. Blakeslee Gilpin, Historian:Northerners become convinced that Southerners are hell-bent on moving slavery to every part of the country. He rose not by the power of the Church or the State, but in bold, inflexible and defiant opposition to the mighty power of both. Center City Film & Video, Philadelphia, PA BUY THE MULTI-EPISODE BUNDLE AND SAVE 33%. Narrator:It was with a sense of foreboding and hopelessness that Frederick Douglass responded to an urgent summons in August of 1859 from his old friend John Brown. Michael Connolly As soon as I heard it, I came here. I was raised by my grandmother. William Lloyd Garrison (Neal Huff, audio):When we first unfurled the banner ofThe Liberator, we did not anticipate that to protect Southern slavery the free states would voluntarily trample underfoot all law, order, and government. John Brown (T. Ryder Smith):Mr. Douglass! Frederick Douglass (Richard Brooks, audio):Aunt Hester went out one night, and happened to be absent when the master desired her presence. As he did so, he made the acquaintance of a man whose name he had heard in whispers, failed tanner and fervent abolitionist John Brown. There, Angelina discreetly followed reports of the abolitionist movement. PDF VIDEO: HE ABOLITIONISTS WORKSHEET - State College Area School District But they had exposed the fatal weakness in the Union, and set the nation on course to the gravest crisis in its history. It is so deeply flawed by the fact that human beings are property, that that Republic is doomed. That contribution to our bleeding cause, alone, involves us in a debt of gratitude which cannot be measured. Shields Green (Thomas Coleman):I believe I'll go with the old man. Their frustration was growing, and some of them were becoming more militant, but no one in power was listening. Narrator:While Southerners saw the expansion of slave territory as a guarantee that the institution would continue to thrive, Northerners viewed those plans as a conspiracy to build a true slave empire. Tense with anticipation, Boston's abolitionists made their way to two gatherings. In a sweeping decision, Taney ruled that Congress had no authority to prevent the spread of slavery to the territories. Michael Shiflett Abolitionist Movement - Definition & Famous Abolitionists - History In the space of five months, the president had declared that the war wasn't about slavery, suggested that all black people should leave the United States, promised to emancipate the slaves on January 1st, and finally offered to let Southerners keep their slaves until 1900. Jamieson Colgate Sharif Folks Carol Berkin, Historian:She believed slavery was a sin and that God would punish people who had slaves. Manisha Sinha, Historian:This is when the South sort of closes itself completely on the issue of slavery. John Brown (T. Ryder Smith):I do, Douglass. The post-war years would be hard. Douglass enlisted two of his sons, and even William Lloyd Garrison, the ultra peace man, allowed his first born to join the colors. Narrator:With every headline, every petition, every controversy, the abolitionists were dragging the fight over slavery to the center of national life. Charles Williamson At the beginning of October 1856, he left Kansas for the East to gather more money and weapons. Rees Robertson He trains them, teaches them, and sends them off to give talks. And you can see, or we can hear in that speech that he gives, he just is truly like a boat in rough sea -- he's just rocking back and forth. R. Blakeslee Gilpin, Historian:She's confronted with it in such an intimate way, and I think that never leaves her. Your slave got it from his slave and gave it to you. There could be little doubt that Brown would follow them. R. Blakeslee Gilpin, Historian:It is the most popular book and the most influential book in American history. So when Douglass returns to the United States he's legally free. For three years Douglass shoveled coal, cut wood, and loaded ships, often working two shifts a day. . Frederick Douglass (Richard Brooks):Freedom is a long road, Mr. Brown. My plan is to take handpicked men and post them in squads of fives on a line here. Lee Rogalski, Location Managers George Bearer The Abolitionists - Episode 2: 1838-1854 - Video Response Worksheet David W. Blight, Historian:Lincoln calls in these five ministers and he has this back-and-forth with them -- mostly, he gives them a speech. Norman Outlaw William Lloyd Garrison felt that he was destined to do great things, but he had no idea how to get there. The New Bedford Whaling Museum A whole year was pressed into a single day. I feel, my Theodore, that we are the two halves of one whole, two bodies animated by one soul, and that the Lord has given us to each other. Shortly after landing in Boston, Douglass joined Garrison for a speaking tour of Ohio. It had been four years to the day since federal troops evacuated Sumter. I was nothing before. Time and again, unimaginable slaughter was eclipsed within months by something even worse. This Video Response Worksheet and Key is based on the PBS documentary series "American Experience - The Abolitionists - Episode 1: 1820s-1838." You will receive a PDF file which contains a Video Response Worksheet and Key and a TPT Digital Activity for students (worksheet only). As Douglass listened to the proceedings, a friend from New Bedford unexpectedly called on him to speak. Scott CarterOverseer That left a hole -- I can't express it. Edward Covey (Jeffrey Wilhelm):Come on, boy. Jim Briggs III When I Can Read My Title Clear In the face of personal risks beatings, imprisonment, even death abolitionists held fast to their cause, laying the civil rights groundwork for the future and raising weighty constitutional and moral questions that are with us still. I am tormented by the thought of the slave mothers whose babes are torn from them. Others thought it lunacy for a reform movement to ignore politics, or to insist that supporters refrain from voting. Garrison's father, a seaman and a drunk, had abandoned the family when Garrison was two years old. The Compromise of 1850 had strengthened the grip of slaveholders over the federal government, and introduced the notorious Fugitive Slave Law. Copying for more than one teacher, classroom, department, school, or school district is prohibited. puzzle comes in two versions: one with a helpful word bank (good for less, word bank for a more challenging worksheet. Roger Novak Try to recover him." His sense of moral commitment was vivid and overwhelming. Mark Evans And Harriet knew that if she could get that response from her readers, she didn't need to make arguments about slavery. He's really also trying to strike terror into the hearts of pro-slavery settlers. Jay Hairston Frederick Douglass (Richard Brooks, audio):The abolitionists of this country were never a numerous class, but lately death has been busy in reducing their already thinned ranks. Lois Brown, Historian:Garrison has to resolve this tension between clearly unapologetic armed resistance and strategy and maneuver, with pacifism and moral suasion. American Experience | Official Site | PBS Whispered accounts of fugitives running from the slave catchers for nights on end, coming within sight of freedom, only to hear the hounds closing in. The city's vibrant abolitionist community welcomed Douglass with open arms. Finally, near midnight, a messenger rushed onto the stage. When Garrison appeared, the freedmen seized him joyfully and carried him on their shoulders around the square. Narrator:American Slavery As It Isbecame the best-selling book in the country. PDF TheAbolitionists - Kent County Public Schools Failure to comply is a copyright infringement and a violation of the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA). Franky Garrison (Jacob Washburn):That's what everyone's saying. Coll Anderson M.P.S.E. If you don't mind my asking -- how did you first realize that you were a slave? William Benner There will be a bloodbath John Brown (T. Ryder Smith):Without the shedding of blood, there's no remission of sin, Douglass. She had never before visited a slave state. Garrison is a white man in a white man's America. Can you do that? Erica Armstrong Dunbar, Historian:Many of the audience members had never, ever seen a slave, let alone been to the slave South. TPT empowers educators to teach at their best. Dianna Reardon, Key Makeup The mobs shattered every abolitionist assumption: that righteousness would triumph over evil, that their fellow Americans would listen to reason, that their Northern neighbors would support the abolitionist cause. Charles Hibbler Mr. Green, you've heard Mr. Brown. We'll tar the nigger-loving son of a bitch. Kevin Inouye Crystal CuppMrs. Grimk She was more or less on her own as she struggled with very deep and troubling issues about herself and her relationship to God. Narrator:By the fall of 1830, William Lloyd Garrison was back in Boston, doggedly pursuing his dream of an abolitionist newspaper. The two men -- one a former slave, the other an impoverished printer -- are among the greatest civil rights activists in American history. Carol Berkin, Historian:She's exhausted from fighting, and yet, she really never lets go of doing what is morally right. The Proclamation had included an unexpected clause: at last, black men could enlist in the armed services of the United States. How can you stand in church every week Mrs. Grimk (Crystal Cupp):You must let it be! William Lloyd Garrison (Neal Huff):This -- the Constitution of the United States of America -- is the source and parent of all the other atrocities: "a covenant with death, and an agreement with Hell." Erica Armstrong Dunbar, Historian:It's an expos about, of course, the horrible treatment of slaves. Rather, she came to understand the pain of mothers she would never know. Still, Southern repression of free speech allowed the abolitionists to link the slavery issue with the cause of civil liberties for whites. An innocent child. Frederick Douglass named his abolitionist newspaper, Sign up for the American Experience newsletter! I am in earnest -- I will not equivocate -- I will not excuse -- I will not retreat a single inch -- and I WILL BE HEARD. Ian Edwards Mrs. Grimk (Crystal Cupp):Yes, Angelina, I have Christian feelings, and you are putting them to the test right now. Frederick Douglass (Richard Brooks):Sir, you have no idea -- the entire state of Virginia will rise up against you. It's a free soil party committed to the non-extension of slavery. Timeka Scott The ground upon which you stand is holy ground: never, never surrender it. Troublemakers. "You will receive a PDF file which contains a Video Response Worksheet and Key and a TPT Digital Activity for students (worksheet only).Video Response Worksheets will turn your history lesson into a rich educational, questions are designed so that they occur at a regular pace to keep, - Episode 3 - Worksheet and Key PDF & Digital, - Episode 3: 1854-Emancipation and Victory. So perish all compromises with tyranny! Brown spends the same amount of time trying to convince Douglass to go to Harpers Ferry with him to be his right-hand man. Walter Craigie Catherine Middleton, Hair/Makeup Assistants Frederick Douglass (Richard Brooks):But how? Steven Hurwitz John Brown (T. Ryder Smith):I had hoped for more men, of course. Tom Watkin, Set Costumers This cannot be.". It covers 30 vocabulary words and includes instructive clues that kids will be motivated to figure out. They started bombarding it this morning. James Brewer Stewart, Historian:Once the firing happens on Fort Sumter, Garrison wraps himself in the flag. Now, they hoped to deprive them of their financial and political support in the North. Garrison would have been even more wary had he known the full extent of Brown's plans. It was all they needed. At last, the squabbling abolitionist factions came together again, including, above all, Frederick Douglass and William Lloyd Garrison. William Lloyd Garrison (Neal Huff, audio):Let Southern oppressors tremble, let their Northern apologists tremble -- let all the enemies of the persecuted blacks tremble. Joan D. Hedrick, Historian:And it was said that when the novel was put on stage at the National Theatre in New York, there was not one dry eye when Eliza reached the other side of the river. ***This product is a graphic organizer for students to identify, Part 1 (available on YouTube) students will answer, following questions that are in order with, questions are visually presented in a way where students will also see real characters as. Erica Armstrong Dunbar, Historian:This thought makes him question, it makes him hopeful, it makes him angry, so that when there is a need for Douglass to be beaten back into submission, to erase the experiences of Baltimore, he's sent to Covey for this. Sound, Inc. Post Production Assistant On July 4, 1854 in Massachusetts, abolitionist William Lloyd Garrisonburneda copy of the constitution. Nikita Moyer Susan Millar "SUASION" COMES FROM SAME WORD AS IN "PERSUASION"; MEANS TO CONVINCE OR TO COUNSEL. Edward Kelahan Garrison, Douglass, and their kindred spirits protested in vain as Northern and Southern whites conspired to keep the emancipated slaves in a condition almost indistinguishable from slavery. He sat silently at the back of the room as one speaker after another fired up the congregation with accounts of Lovejoy's death. But scattered around the country, a few lonely souls were convinced that slavery was a crime against God and man. Dolores Hillgrube It would be a ceremony unlike any other. That was what they wanted. ***This product is a PowerPoint for students to identify, significance causes, leader(s), and effects of. He was invigorated in his new surroundings. It was an immediate and an immense bestseller. Why were you raised by your grandmother -- what about your mother? State officials could never again take part in the recapture of a fugitive slave. The announcement came upon us with the startling effect of an earthquake. Mob (Actors):That was Garrison! R. Blakeslee Gilpin, Historian:This guy's just led a raid to destroy slavery. Gregory Patterson But then, suddenly, his life collapsed: a series of business disasters plunged him deep into debt. Ashton Green But if we succeed, our glory as a nation will be complete, our peace will flow like a river, and our foundations will be the everlasting rocks. Hiroaki Sasa, Maps and Text Animation But very quickly in the Southern press, Garrison's name started to be associated with Nat Turner's revolt. Narrator:Garrison welcomed the notoriety. John Brown (T. Ryder Smith):The colored people must fight back. Daniel Bainbridge Manisha Sinha, Historian:It's actually quite astounding how deeply entrenched it was in the nation's political and economic life. Garrison was making powerful enemies. Narrator:President Lincoln himself had suggested that Garrison come to Charleston. But he was out of their reach. John Brown (T. Ryder Smith):The armory at Harpers Ferry. The Abolitionists - Episode 1 - Worksheet and Key PDF & Digital If that happened, the balance of power in Washington would shift against the slave states. Nicholas Keeton Section 14.2 The Abolitionists Flashcards | Quizlet They illustrate a broad range of talents and remarkable accomplishments for, included brief biographies are: He brought new life to the struggling operation, which had long been urging slaveholders to free their slaves so that they could be shipped back to Africa, leaving the United States a single-race country. It was all she could do to send accounts of home life to her husband, who was working out of town for the summer. William Lloyd Garrison (Neal Huff, audio):The American Union was effected by a guilty compromise between the free and slave-holding states -- in other words, by incorporating the slave system into the government. "Women's rights should not be your preoccupation," he told Angelina, "at least not until the slaves are free." But then, suddenly, his life collapsed: a series of business disasters plunged him deep into debt. George Eastman House, International Museum of Photography and Film R. Mark Hughes, Leadmen Narrator:In the spring of 1838, Angelina and Theodore's friends received a wedding invitation adorned with an engraving of a slave in chains. Get the latest on new films and digital content, learn about events in your area, and get your weekly fix of American history. Art Resource, NY But Grimk refused. John Brown (T. Ryder Smith, audio):When I was a child, I stayed for a short time with a very gentlemanly landlord who held a slave boy near my own age. He was determined to be better than what white, said he was. In Philadelphia, Frederick Douglass knew all too well. John Seaborne Bringing to life the intertwined stories of Frederick Douglass, William Lloyd Garrison, Angelina Grimk, Harriet Beecher Stowe, and John Brown, The Abolitionists takes place during some of the most violent and contentious decades in American history, amid white-hot religious passions that set souls on fire, and bitter debates over the meaning of the Constitution and the nature of race. Dexter Wuest, Catering Jennifer Saunders As of yet, no white Americans could imagine turning millions of dollars worth of slaves into millions of black compatriots. Frederick Douglass (Richard Brooks):All with 22 men? Post Production Video Services He still sees that as an enormous triumph for the abolitionist movement. Antonio Perez Kemp They will never respect themselves otherwise, nor will they be respected. Others, like Prosser, Vesey, and Turner, were black men and women who had been born into a life of slavery HARRIET BEECHER STOWE In 1811, Harriet Beecher was born in Connecticut. Narrator:George Latimer had arrived in Boston in the fall of 1842, only to be thrown in jail at the request of a Virginia planter. The Abolitionists | American Experience | PBS Matt Nicholas Frederick Douglass (Richard Brooks):But if we stoop to bloodshed, we are no better than they are. When the sun rose the next morning, Burns was still in jail, and the city was seething. At Fort Sumter, Garrison reminisced about the 30-year anti-slavery struggle, marveling at the transformation that had taken place. Julie Roy Jeffrey, Historian:I think he recognized that this was a turning point. "I seem to have undergone a transformation," Douglass told his old mentor. "My paramount object in this struggle is to save the Union," he announced in August of 1862, "and is not either to save or destroy slavery." Now, I would like to introduce to you a graduate from the "peculiar institution." R. Blakeslee Gilpin, Historian:This is God's punishment. Their ship was due to sail in 13 days. T. J. Healy II She had a weapon that no other abolitionist could claim: a pedigree among the slaveholding aristocracy. It means that a Southerner can hunt down any black in free soil and say, "You're my slave." Henceforth, it becomes the date of a new and glorious era in the history of American liberty. Robert Paziora Theodore Weld had committed himself totally to the anti-slavery cause, and had even pledged not to marry until the slaves were free. Nick DiMartino David W. Blight, Historian:The first American Republic, the one invented in the Revolution in the late 18th century, had to die. Frederick Douglass (Richard Brooks):It will kill you. His eulogy was more than a memorial to one man. Animals & Historic Transportation Provided by Frederick Douglass (Richard Brooks):Mr. Garrison, you must understand how unexpected this is. In 1837, for example, a mob attacked and killed the antislavery editor Elijah P. Lovejoy in Alton, Illinois. We've been telling you for decades that there's a slave power conspiracy out there of presidents, Supreme Court members, of congresspeople, of bankers, of ship owners, to not only preserve but expand this system of slavery until it dominates every aspect of American society and economy." Christopher Morrow Travis McGuire And I think this is very appealing to anti-slavery Northerners who are really giving up almost on the political system and on nonviolent resistance. Frederick Douglass (Richard Brooks):I see now why you are such an effective advocate. Frederick Douglass was born in slavery, escaped to, most influential people of his time. For all that, Angelina Grimk never surrendered the vision of a more perfect society in which black and white, men and women, walked together in the ways of God. It's started! Ready to print and go - educational puzzles make great worksheets to keep in your sub folder or have on hand for early finishers. We'll give you $800. He called Douglass a liar, and vowed to track him down and send him to the cotton fields of the Deep South. Manisha Sinha, Historian:Douglass recognizes the Republican Party for what it is. He had lived among free blacks, had secretly learned to read, and there he had come to hope that slavery might not be eternal. What began as a pacifist movement fueled by persuasion and prayer became a fiery and furious struggle that forever changed the nation. And so the original intention of the abolitionists was to tell the slaveholders to repent and that they would. Narrator:The one-time radicals were no longer outsiders. 2a. Cynthia Snyder Paris Jones John Brown (T. Ryder Smith):My friend, the world will remember what we do here. Mrs. Grimk (Crystal Cupp):I ask you to leave him alone. Harriet wrote such glowing praise of Charley that her husband was actually disturbed by it. Mary Lugo This is not the punishment of man. State Farm Property at Powhatan Correctional Center, State Farm, VA Abolitionist Movement Facts | Emancipation & Impact | Worksheets Fragmentary reports of the uprising spread across the country. William L. Clements Library, University of Michigan American Experience: The Abolitionists. Without the abolitionists, the Civil War would not have occurred. It just took it out of its shell. Narrator:Garrison and the other abolitionists took up the call. Cheryl Stark Dewey Gartland Narrator:Garrison and his fellow abolitionists had roused an enemy far more tenacious, entrenched, and violent than they had ever imagined. After surviving his failed siege of the armory at Harpers Ferry, John Brown went on trial. John Brown (T. Ryder Smith):Well, sir: In one stroke we shall rouse this nation. Narrator:Douglass had fled the United States alone, a fugitive running for his life. R. Blakeslee Gilpin, Historian:Brown is drifting just further and further into a very deep and dark relationship with God. Pre-made digital activities. Richard Brooks Jaizelle Hanna-Stendardo The personal liberty laws set alarm bells ringing throughout the South. William Lloyd Garrison (Neal Huff):My dear Mr. Douglass -- join me. Only days after the burning of Pennsylvania Hall, a shaken Angelina moved with Theodore to a rustic farm in New Jersey. Narrator:In the spring of 1850, the question of the territories seized in the Mexican War finally exploded in the gravest crisis in the nation's history. Frederick Douglass (Richard Brooks, audio):A free state around me, and the free earth under my feet! Narrator:Frederick Douglass and Angelina Grimk lived at opposite poles of one of the largest slave societies in history. The news of Robert E. Lee's surrender at Appomattox came the day of Garrison's arrival. Joan D. Hedrick, Historian:You can see Stowe taking aim at the Fugitive Slave Law in incident after incident, and basically urging her readers to defy what she thought was an anti-Christian, un-democratic law. By killing of five pro-slavery men, John Brown hoped to strike terror in the hearts of pro-slavery settlers in Kansas. I soon found, however, that they were soundly hated by slaveholders. And Douglass reads this and says, "I'm outta here.". Wallace James, Jr. Tony Horwitz, Author:Brown is almost a battering ram of a human being. William, she's the daughter of one of the most famous families in South Carolina. In return for allowing California to join the Union as a free state, Southerners were granted the prospect of someday forming slave states in Utah and New Mexico. What if that mob should burst in upon us and commit violence on our persons? Julie Roy Jeffrey, Historian:Angelina's religious search was tortured, tortured, tortured. Mary Brown (Denise Ellington):May I get you anything else, Mr. Douglass? Angelina Grimk (Jeanine Serralles):I stand before you as a Southerner, exiled from the land of my birth by the sound of the lash, and the piteous cry of the slave.

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